Our lawyers work to resolve family issues through direct negotiation first. In most cases, this is the fastest and most cost-effective way to resolve family issues. However, sometimes mediation or litigation is required. If this is the case for you, our team is experienced in both forums and can guide you through the process and provide expert advocacy to ensure you get the best deal possible.
We also advise and represent people who are eligible for legal aid – please contact us if this applies to you.
A mediator is a neutral and impartial third party specially trained to help people resolve disputes. In many cases attending mediation is a very useful and cost-effective alternative to Court, and in some cases it is required. Our lawyers can advise you on your rights prior to mediation or can attend mediation with you.
For parenting disputes, subsidised Family Dispute Resolution mediators are available – for example, through FairWay Resolution. For relationship property or other matters, we can advise you on the best private mediators available.
If you require a mediator, Rachael Dewar is our mediation specialist. Rachael is an accredited member of the New Zealand Law Society’s panel of mediators. She has many years of mediation experience, having been regularly appointed by the Family Court to conduct mediations, and now convenes Family Dispute Resolution mediations as an approved provider. Rachael is also available for private mediations regarding children and relationship property. Her wealth of experience ensures you achieve the very best outcome possible from a difficult situation.
Our job is to keep you out of Court. However, in some cases, Court is a necessary tool to resolve family issues. If it is necessary for you, our lawyers are experienced litigators and will guide you through the Court process and advocate tirelessly on your behalf. Our team frequently appears in the Family Court and have also appeared in the High Court and Court of Appeal. We regularly work with top Queen’s Counsel to help you achieve the best result.